Monday, August 23, 2004

Life In The Vern

Sometimes I think I would like to live in a big city. I watch movies or hear stories about all the exciting things that happen in big cities, and it just seems so...desirable. For today, though, I am lovin the small town I call home...The Vern. I woke up late today, and as usual, I had to hit the ground running. I had work to get to, some errands to run, and all of this to get done before a 10:30 meeting. In a big city, it would have been a disaster. In the Vern, though, where everything is within about a 2 minute drive from my house, I managed to get it all done and still have time to go to Copia and get a cup of java. So for today, the lesson learned is that we really are the authors of our own lives. Often times the life you are experiencing and living is the very kind of life you truly desire.


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