Saturday, October 30, 2004

Well, I haven't written anything for awhile. Things have been really busy lately. I've sat down several times to write, and after about a minute of trying to put my thoughts into a cohesive pattern, I give up and go to bed. Ha ha. Anyway, it's good to be writing again. I really enjoy doing this, and I will try to stay on top of this more often.
So a lot has been going on since I last wrote. Things at FUSION are great. We had a week off last week, and our visit with Audrey Hatcher was awesome. She is such a great musician. What a songwriter! I dont get to take our kids to a conference at Ozark Christian College which I am disappointed about, but I have had some great conversations lately with some younger high school students that I am really excited about. It seems to me that God is showing me some new directions and new doors of mentoring that He is opening up for me.

Have you seen this show yet? I was just watching this tonight. It's hosted by Lee Strobel, a former pastor at Willow Creek and Saddleback. Wow! Interesting. And kind of confusing too. It's a show that asks hard questions, and Strobel has guests that are Christian leaders share their knowledge on these topics. Tonight, one interesting topic was the war in Iraq. It was really interesting to see some Christian men...most of which I had heard of before...share their thoughts on these issues. It left me kind of confused and frustrated though. It was unsettling to see strong Christian leaders disagreeing so passionately. It seems like Christians should be more...I dont know...united and agreeing. I dont know. I mean, I know that there is room for different opinions and thoughts. It's just that these guys were presenting their information like it was the only viewpoint that was possible for Christians. And their viewpoints were completely opposite. How could that be right? It was a cool show, but it left me a little disappointed. Watch it sometime...Saturdays at 9P on PAX. Yes, that's right...I was home at 9 PM on Saturday night. Ha ha.
Actually, my staying home Sat night was a conscious decision. It was something that I used to do. I realized that my Sundays were miserable because of all the business, and I was usually so tired because I had stayed out too late on Sat. Well, now I am recommitting to staying home again on Sat night in order to have a good day on Sunday and not feel overwhelmed.
Well, that's about it for now. Oh ya, one more thing. I did change my day off to Monday starting this week. I havent had a full day off since July when we opened the Zone, so starting Monday, I am going to try to take a whole day off since the Zone isnt open on Mondays!! I'll let you all know how it goes! Ha ha.


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