Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Good Book

Oh Wow! So again I just wrote a really good blog entry and lost it. I love technology! So this next attempt wont share the same "umph" I am sure, since I really just want to throw this computer through the wall right now. I'll restrain myself for now though, and I'll try to re-write my entry.

I was just saying how I had started a new book today. It's called "The Emerging Church" by Dan Kimball. The last book I read, Uprising by Erwin McManus, was great. It was a personally challenging, refocusing experience. Good stuff. This book, though, I think is really going to be an experience that will be an asset in my ministry efforts as well as my personal spiritual life.

I've only read the first chapter so far, but I've heard from several people that it is a great read. This first chapter was challenging from the get-go, because it talked about something that I thought I had all figured out! HAHAHA...as if! Anyway, Kimball talked about how "seeker-sensitive" services had alienated people and left them not wanting to seek any longer. It talked about the importance of living a seeker-sensitive lifestyle, and practicing "vintage Christianity" in our gatherings. I loved that idea and thought some more about it.
I mean, didnt Christ practice seeker-sensitivity in His life? (That's a rhetorical question by the way...haha) He loved and was in relationship with the undesireables...who eventually became seekers...who eventually became followers...who eventually became disciples...who eventually became martyrs. WOW! That's awesome. That's the kind of life and ministry I want to have. Something so attractive and genuine that the people around me grow to a point of desparation for God...even to the point of death.
Got some work to do...and I want to read more...so let's all hope this posts this time...so I can still say I own a computer in one piece tomorrow. Let me know if you've read this book. Would love to chat with any of you who have!


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