Thursday, December 16, 2004

WOW! What a week! It feels like forever since I have posted anything on here. And I guess that feeling is appropriate...since I haven't posted anything on here forever! I dont know if my life has every been busier than it is right now. (Even as I say that sentence to myself I realize that I think I have said it about 20 other times in the recent past! Ha ha. Oh well.) So I guess I just haevnt made it a priority to be on here. Ever since the National Youth Workers Convention, I've kinda been outta the blogging loop. Well, tonight, it's time to get back in the saddle.
So let's see...what's been going on? Well, probably the most significant thing is that I have decided to go back to grad school. I have enrolled in the MA program in Leadership Studies at Hope International University in Fullerton, CA.
I'm still trying to figure out how this happend. Ha ha. No, really. I just decided one day that I wanted to go. I mean, I had been thinking about it for a little bit. I knew that I wanted to continue my education, I just didn't know where or what in. Well, one day I sat down and started surfing. Actually, I was helping one of the students at church research some schools for his undergrad work, and I came across Hope. I was excited about it from the second that I started looking at it. The program I am going into is a distance learning program that will require me to be on campus, in Southern California, 16 days/year. I think that might have had something to do with my excitement. Ha ha. But the thing that really caught my attention was the structure of the course work, some of the professors, and the flexibility of the program.
So anyway, to make my really long story short, I asked the church peeps about the OK...sent in lots and lots of paperwork...sent in more paperwork...and finally I am enrolled. Good stuff. I'll be in CA from Jan. 5-15th. Can't wait. I started ordering my books the other day too. I think it's going to be a really challenging experience for me....professionally (balancing it all) and personally (growing in Biblical knowledge, etc). I love a good challenge!!
So there has been some other cool stuff happening too, but I think I will save it for tomorrow's post. Yes, thats right...I intend to post two days in a row. See ya on the flip side!


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