Tuesday, June 28, 2005

building my kingdom...

today was a good day...i got a lot of "busy-work" stuff done that i have been wanting to get done for awhile...i downloaded a bunch of pics from my cf cards to my computer...i worked on my website...i sent out info for mission concord...i picked up t-shirts and work on some design stuff for them...i made an audio track to accompany my ciy message...i did two more loads of laundry...i vacuumed...i did dishes...and i made taco salad...wow...now i'm tired since i see it all written down...

i am finishing up everything for my ciy speaking engagement...i'm pretty excited about it...its kind of a dream realized for me...i know it might not seem like a big deal at all to some people...but it is to me...conference speaking is something i have been thinking about and praying about for some time now...and now i get a chance to do it...i spent some time praying today...one of the big things that i am going to be hitting is materialism...the rich young ruler story...i guess one of the things that i am going to be hitting hardest is the "ruler" part of that story...i am going to be talking about how so many times we are trying to build our kingdoms...instead of being a servant in god's kingdom...i had some good prayer time today where god was speaking to me directly about my own actions in this...how i am building my own kingdom...and how so many of my decisions are not based on serving god...but instead on how i can strengthen and further my own influence...

i love it when i am preparing for a message and god speaks to me...when i grow as a result of my preparations to help others grow...i hope this continues to happen...


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