Thursday, June 02, 2005

reaching your world for christ...

we oficially started our coursework today...there are four separate sections meeting right now for our summer blocks...and mine is entitled "reaching your world for christ" the introduction/orientation meeting this morning we were given the gift of a stack of books that go along with our sections...i have to admit...i was somewhat jealous of the books that one of the other sections was receiving...things like "worship evangelism" and "the emerging church"...lots of emergent stuff...that section is called "the bible and culture"...i guess my books will be good too...even though i haven't heard of a lot of them..."missions and the third millenium", "the younger evangelicals: facing the challenges of the new world", "paul's idea of community", and "changing the mind of missions"...among others...we'll see...

so today was good though. we had a guest presenter named dave thompson from harvest evangelism...told great stories about the importance of prayer in evangelism...shared really cool stories of awesome things happening in hawaii and argentina through evangelistic efforts begun with prayer...he also talked about the importance of praying for peace for others...underscored it with scripture...talked about how peace confuses the enemy...and how through our prayers of peace for others we can then have opportunity to share christ with them...good stuff...some of my classmates seemed to connect with the presenter and the info more than i think i did...i mean, it was good...but i kinda found myself watching my clock and losing focus at times...and then at the end of the day one lady was actually crying about how great she thought the stuff was...i definitely didnt connect that way...oh well...still good stuff...

tomorrow...barry mcmurtrie of crossroads christian church in corona, ca...gonna talk about church growth stuff...possibly some good stuff in that for me...apparently he is going to share some insight on typical stages of growth...difficulties at different stages of growth...and some of that stuff...he's a typical type a/ocd type...right down my alley...

tonight...reading, tv, and sleep...lots and lots of sleep


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