Sunday, June 26, 2005

the woman at the well...

today was another great day at fusion...we're still in our series "defining moments"...we're looking at biblical examples of people who have had defining moments and how they handled them...i have felt since this series began that it had potential for really great things in our kids lives...i don't really know why...i just know that as i research and study for each message i feel god working in my own life...i feel like he is making things clearer and clearer to me about so many things...about who he is...about who he wants me to be...about how to reach the kids...about who he wants them to be...i guess what i would say is this...i feel like my leadership has been more connected to god's leading during this series...sometimes i think that i am a pretty talented person in some relationships in particular...and so then i often forget to let god lead...i lead on my own...that's what it is...i lead to often on my own...and right now i feel like i am being submissive...i am presenting god's word with more purity...and i think we're starting to see the work of the spirit in our group...good good stuff...

today was the story of the woman at the well...i learned a lot...i had always read this story with the wrong eyes...i pictured this meek woman sitting at a well...then jesus walks up...she immediately is so thankful and humble before him...and she is blessed...but as i researched...i realized that this is not at all how it happened...she was hardened...she was bitter...she was challenging...and she was anything but humble...then jesus humbled her...he broke her...probably a difficult, hurtful brokenness...but he did it anyway...and then he healed her...and she was so blown away by it all...she ran and told everyone...i talked today about how this is our response when we really believe jesus is who he says he is...we go tell...we run...we speak...loud...but not until we really believe jesus is who he says he is...

ciy was a really great week...i had a lot of fun with the kids...i loved...absolutely loved...seeing our kids break down walls and start to open each being was good...i needed it, to be honest...i sometimes get in a spot where i start to doubt...where i get frustrated...or where i just get tired...and this week was worth it all...very little frustration...saw some success with some kids...which removed doubt...and even with the lack of sleep...i was energized...

definitely tired today though...i slept for three hours this afternoon...then golfed...then sat and stared at a wall...tired...sleep...more tomorrow...


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