Thursday, July 14, 2005

mission concord...

still here in new hampshire...the week has been good on so many's another year of workcamp...not unlike many others really...which isn't bad (like it might sound) since workcamp is always so good...the kids are busting their rears...everyone tells me our kids are "such hard workers"...they're worshipping in the evenings...they're leading...its all good...really its what i expected it would be for them...

there are some frustrations...boys and girls are at two different schools...which makes for transportation issues...minor frustrations with normal workcamp stuff...nothing new...i am not on a crew this year...bummer big time...i'm on the video crew...thought it would be really cool at first...and it was...i did that because i needed some time to work on some school stuff...althought i havent really found that time either...what was i thinking???...of course i wouldnt have time...oh anyway, i would rather have been on a work crew if i knew i wasn't going to have time for school...i am having the guilties cause the kids are working so hard and i feel like i'm being a total slacker for not doing it...i guess video is important...whatever...haha...

so one more day...they're gonna wrap up most sites today...then we will finish off everything else tomorrow morning...then off to hampton beach...

on times...planning to go to the old globe bookstore...where thoreau and hawthorne first began writing books...cant wait...also going to the top of the prudential center and shopping in quincy market downtown...good times...the kids should have a blast...

all in all...AWESOME WEEK!!!...but i cant wait to get home...


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