Sunday, December 11, 2005

a good cup of coffee...

tonight was a good night to just chill at home...i fixed a pot of of my favorite things to do...and just chilled watchin tv and blogging...i've discovered the message boards on cool stuff...there are a ton of people just communicating and sharing thoughts on so many life issues...i posted my first one was about my experience at Riverdance last night...

speaking awesome...i have never seen anything like it...anything so was truly awesome...i wrote on relevant about how it was actually a kind of spiritual experience...i mean, i read all these books and articles about experiencing god in the beauty of the earth and in just the everyday life...and sometimes i can connect with that...but other times i cant...i mean, i can connect with bible reading, worship, prayer...all the churchy stuff that i've been a part of for 30 years...but experiencing god in other "non-churchy" things is a new thought for me...but rob bell says its the way its supposed to i try...haha...

last night i experienced god in the beauty of the riverdance...hahahahahahahahha...i really dont think i have ever said anything cornier...haha...but seriously...i was so awestruck...and i seriously found myself thanking god for it...i found myself (in a wierd sense) worshipping at riverdance...communicating with god...responding to the beauty he had put before me...and it was good...good growth...

till next time...


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