Monday, September 17, 2007

a day at the beach...

finally, a day off...this past week was ridiculous...good...but ridiculous...i worked until 8 or later 6 out of the 7 days last week...and two of those days it was until ya...a day off was much-needed...i went to laguna today and just spent some time reading a book that i've been putting off..."sex god" by rob bell...i have to admit, i had a little bit of a hard time getting into it...i put it down because i was getting frustrated...i'm almost certain that it was due to my tiredness and spent brain...i have this idealic view of rob bell...everything interaction i have had with him...whether it be in person, on video, or in book form...has been awesome...and since i was having a hard time reading the book right now, i thought i better put it down or else risk shattering my rob bell dream...haha...

so i switched to a novel and just relaxed...i realized something while i was there today...everyone looks smarter at the beach...haha...have you ever noticed how when someone is walking down the beach looking at the waves, they look smart...everyone looks they are deep in thought about the world or life or something...maybe they are pondering the cure for cancer or the latest social activism craze...or i guess its possible that maybe they are thinking about something as trivial as what they will eat for dinner that night...or how hot the girl was that they just walked by...or how they need to lose weight (that's what i ponder when i go to the beach) matter...they still look smart...all of them...i wonder if i look smart at the beach...

it's been a great day off...


Blogger bh said...

have you heard the new robbie seay? the previews sound really good. more to come, i'm on a new music binge too.

7:34 PM  

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