Saturday, May 24, 2008

brighter days...

my friend brandon sometimes puts lyrics on his blog from different songs that he is listening to...he's a musician...i'm not...but i thought i would do it this time anyway...

i've been listening to the new leeland album...its one of those albums that the first time you listen to it you might not be blown away...but then after you've listened to it a few times, you catch something that you like...or you just warm up to it or something...this is one of those albums for me...the song brighter days was that moment for me...i've been spending a lot of time lately at the laguna beach starbucks right across from the main beach (its where i'm writing from now)...i have no idea why, but for some reason its a place where i can reflect and get out of myself a little...and the other day when i was there i came across this song...the first line is strong...

"time keeps moving on,
through the sunshine and the storm"

have you ever noticed how we try to stop time?...i do this all the time...when things are great...when life is good, and happiness is abundant, and relationships are good i want to stop time...i dont want it to end...i just want it to stay right there...and the opposite is the same...when life sucks...i would think i would want it to move ahead so life wouldnt suck anymore, but when i stop and think about it, i usually stop in these moments...i let apathy take over...i let laziness set in...and i sure dont hold onto the truth that "time keeps moving on"...

that's not even what this song is really about...but that one line caught my makes me ask the ? what would my life look like if i lived knowing that "time keeps moving on" would it affect me during the "sunshine" moments? would i react differently to the "storm" days of life?...this is a question i am going to be thinking a lot about this week...i get the sense that my life would look significantly different...and i think i need that...

till later...


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