Saturday, May 24, 2008

our father, who art in heaven...

i spent some time tonight talking with a student who's father died this past week...his emotions were raw, a little close to the surface, but he seemed numb we were talking, there were a couple of things that came up that i havent quite been able to shake all evening...

i asked this guy if there was something in particular that he was thinking about that was causing his emotions...he said that he was just starting to realize that he was never going to see his dad again...he went on to talk about some of the things he loved to do with his dad and how he was sad that he would never get to do those things he was talking i found myself thinking that, in my relationship with god- my heavenly father- I would never have to know this pain...i would always know that the future was a picture of being with god...i would always have something to look forward to...i didnt need to look backward...

as we were talking, i said to him "god understands your pain. he watched his son die. he knows the pain you're feeling. you're not alone in it."... i've just found myself thinking about this a lot tonight...god gets it...a lot of times our painful times in life are made even more painful by our thoughts that god doesn't get it...that we are alone in it...that nothing can make it better...god gets it though...he's been through the worst, so that when we go through it, he knows...he gets it...

almost depressing, i know...i have some thoughts floating around in my head too about spiritual gifts and self-centerdness and duty too...i'm still figuring them out thought, so I think i'll post them tomorrow...till later...


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