The Fruit of the Spirit...hmmm. OK, so today's Encounter lesson was on the Fruit of the Spirit, and as I was prepping, God really spoke to me and taught me something I thought I would share. This important passage of scripture can be found in Galatians chapter 5.
As I was preparing, I was struck with how clear it is that there is a stark difference between the Christ-controlled life and the me-controlled life. I mean, that's nothing shockingly new to a Christian, I mean, its the basis of why we need Christ. As I read this scripture passage several times, and I prayed in order to allow God to speak to me about it, I began to think about the "black and white-ness" of it. A life controlled by the Spirit is so very different than how I live so often.
So to make a really long story short, well, the Fruit of the Spirit is PROOF. This passage says "those who belong to Christ..." The fruit of the Spirit is proof of the presence of the Spirit. "Those who belong to Christ..." It makes me think of that time that will come where God looks to see if my name is written in the book of life. I know that my salvation is not something that I can earn on my own. I know it is not anything that I do, but rather that God does in me. And I think it is awesome that God tells me exactly what He wants to do in me. He wants to make me loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, gentle, faithful, self-controlled.
I guess It was an important time for me because it clarified for me what I need to be praying for. I think I need to shift my prayers from situational prayers...things that I want or things that are going on around character prayers...asking God to make me fruitful.